
@ the Car Wash

It is a BILLION degrees today.
No joke.

Triple digits is seriously, no joke.

Zozie & I sit down in our Montessori classroom to decide what we will do...
After asking a few "leading" questions, I get no reply.
Just a glazed-over stare.
Sweat beads forming.
It's entirely too hot.
So hot that we can't think anymore...

The obvious task is to SWIM!
No pool...shucks!
No inflatable pool either, double shucks.
And the "pretend pool" is wearing off after 15 mins since the "pretend heat" is still with us, triple SHUCKS!

Ok,...think fast....
What can we do for classwork today...
He loves sponges, wringing sponges, and he loves water, spraying water....

Let's take those practical life skills out for a test run....Brooommmmm!
At the HapaLab Montessori Car Wash!

working out the thumb grip...

got the water pressure...
Now, we're in business!
We saved $30 on 2 car washes AND Zo got to do his work today while cooling off from the heat!

Not captured in the photos?
A MASSIVE screaming, giggling, water fight with hose, sponge, and running toddlers (Zo & his neighbor friend Tirza) everywhere!

Can't beat that goodness.



Chris Enz-gel!

The SF Exploratorium is simply... AMAZING.

I AM....Enz-gel.

It's like a giant maze of crazy science experiments.

Zozie was completely entranced...and the best part was, so were we.
It's always satisfying to find a place that both kids AND adults enjoy.


The Exploratorium left us looking up, down, in, out, every which direction.  Around every corner is another bit of our vast universe that we did not know existed....and of course, did not understand.  
We were THRILLED to extend our home preschool class here today for Zo!  

The Color Lab

On top of the fantastic exhibits, which is constantly being rotated and developed in-house, they offer a "Homeschool Science Program" at the Exploratorium!  How lucky is a homeschooler who gets to do his/her science courses HERE?!?  Starts at 7 yrs, we are keeping our eyes out for this one down the line:

Being here provided a reflection on how indeed SMALL each of our worlds are on a day-to-day basis.  Who we are as we know it, so irrelevant when placed in the context of so much that we don't know in this universe.
Your home, your car, your job, your kids, your drama!
Could that be it?  
It's so very refreshing to expand.  
To open your eyes.  
To look around.  
To NOT be... just you. 


Did you say "Mime?"

Today is Mime Day @ Live Oak Park!
So we're "Park-schooling" today with Zo...

After going to a morning Birthday party for our dear tiny friend Baby Kai, we spotted some signage that the San Francisco Mime Troupe (SFMT) was going to be playing today at 2pm, for free.

Loving live theatre, and not being able to pass up a freebie, we rushed home for Zo's nap so we could make the showtime.  Ever since we took him to see Cirque Du Solei's "Ovo" for his 2nd birthday, his aunt Bekah's dance performance, and the Tournament of the Kings in Vegas, Zozie has been hooked on theatre.  
He absolutely LOVES shows and loves applauding for the players.  
He's getting that the actors are "pretending", or acting, which helps his own imagination during creative play.

True to form, Zo is completely entranced.  
Barely blinking, he sits through the entire performance.  
There's something about seeing live players that totally captivates him.

Anyways, nothing like a blazing hot day out on the lawn with the fam...

Uncle Jeremy joined us...

The SFMT is in it's 51th season, and is an artist collective.  Pretty amazing that they've been around for so long.  They do social/political commentary.  This program?  Posibilidad:  The Death of the Worker.
Some dancing, more singing, and lot of acting.  However, NO MIMING.  Wha???

  Oh well, got some shirts anyways to help donate to the collective...
"NO Posibilidad":  The Death of the Mime.


Le Grande Foyer

What's a FOYER?

Foyer [IPA: fwa'je,ˈfȯi(-ə)r]
An area just inside the main exterior door for the removal of wraps, overshoes, and other exterior apparel.
An anteroom:  an entrance hall of a home or reception area.

Foyers also happens to be the name of a village in the Highland local government council area of Scotland, lying on the east shore of Loch Ness.

Go figure.

I like foyers.
Sometimes called a Vestibule.

This is a gathering place, second in importance to the kitchen, in my opinion.
The transition space of outside vs. inside.
The holding zone.
The receiving line.
The place where you shed the world and relax into your sacred space.
The spot where you gear up and head out smiling at the universe, yet again.

Whatever it's called, I really really love it.
It is one of my favorite anatomical parts of a home.

Back at our place, we have carved out a Foyer for us, and for Zozie.
This has made the transition of leaving and entering our home much smoother...
"Ready to GO, mama!"
His shoes are on, wearing his coat with Elmo bag in tow.

We used the back of a chest to create an entrance divide.
We set up a dedicated shoe rack to display his shoes to select from.
The upper level is for hanging bags & hats. 
A small "shoe stool" is present for Zo to practice putting on his own shoes.
And last, a simple nail in the wall for him to hang his coat, upon entering.

Le Grande Foyer...

It's amazing.
Even when there is NO space, you can always find a place for your Foyer.
That extra breathing room in life.  A small clarity.  So needed.
It's nice to return Home...and KNOW where everything IS...or isn't.

May we all find that calmness in our transitions in life, our own flowing Foyer.
Grande or petite.



Z, number 2, is coming in for that slicer on the right...

It's the World Cup for goodness sakes!
We are only really Futbol fans every 4 years, but hey.
We totally got the fever.  And we are using Zozie to fulfill our dreams.

Today is our last soccer day.
Yes, soccer.  They make them in this size, x small.
You put the word "Baby" infront of any sport and us first time mommies are all over it.

It's really just Gymboree with a soccer ball.
More singing time than kicking time.

Found a comfy seat.

But we got him a fancy orange ball anyways...

And we got him the ubber-cute soccer shirt.
Paid a pretty penny for that tiny shirt...AND SO IT BEGINS.

Marc & I call this phenomenon, "The Shamu Factor."
This is when it's so cute to the parents to have their kids ride in a Shamu stroller at Sea World, but the kid could care less after the first 5 mins in the ride.  Yeah, we got the shirt.

Special Treat:  DADDY!

And of course, we do it all for this...
Every child gets a photo certificate of completing the course.
It's stamped and sealed and very official looking.

Beautiful...8 Sessions of some laughing, more crying, and a whole lot of confusion & fun...Ta-Da!