Z school

A Child's Work Place...
The Anatomy of a Montessori Home Classroom (3-6yrs)

Zo's School:  Our work place...
A simple space with access to a washroom and an enclosed outdoor area.
Our space?
A 6x10 area with a window, next to the kitchen, close to the WC, but no yard.
Still very workable.
I liked being connected to the kitchen for food prep, baking projects, and art clean up.

A list of the basic items in our "prepared environment":
  1. Child-size table and chairs
  2. Child-size open shelving (Tools and Art Supplies)
  3. Child-size easel
  4. Table Mat (2x2) easily rolled
  5. Floor Mat (3x4) easily rolled
  6. Basket or Bin to store rolled mats
  7. Cleaning bucket:  Rag, sponge, spray bottle, broom & dust pan
  8. Reading corner:  Comfy chair or seat cushions with books close by
  9. Wooden trays for each activity 
  10. Vase for flowers at table
  11. Artwork at child's eye level
  12. Teacher's sitting stool
  13. Teacher's supply cabinet (closed or locked)
  14. Bonus:  A plant to take care of
  15. Bonus:  A pet to take care of
*Reference:  Basic Montessori by David Gettman

Table & Chair with flower vase.

Open shelving & supply cabinet (below)

Art Supply Shelves (Open Access)

Child Easel

Work Mat:  Easy to Roll & Store

Mats Basket & Cleaning Bucket

Reading Chair & Basket of Books

Basket of  Chinese Books

Wood Trays for Work Tools

Teacher's Sitting Stool

Bud Vase for Table

Peaceful Artwork & Live Plant

Zo's Faux-quarium:  Wannabe "pet".