
50 Cents.

Presentation:  Threading.

Zozie started to notice my shoe laces.
He's messing about with them, taking them in and out of the loops.

As a side note... I'm a total Rummage Queen.
Yard sales, garage sales, co-op preschool sales, thrift stores, swap meets, curbside name it, I'm there...looking.

At the last El Cerrito Co-Op Preschool Sale, I spotted a zip-lock with these little "cut-outs" & laces in them:

Threading Shapes

50 cents.
Are you kidding?
Right.  They came home with me...
And ON to one of my wooden trays.

Threading Tool Set Up:
1)  Cut out fun shapes using card stock, cardboard, balsa wood, etc.
2)  Can paint or color the shapes
3)  Punch holes along the outline of the shapes
4)  Use shoe lace, thread, ribbon, to trace the outlines
5)  Place everything onto a tray 

Ok, now that I have my threading tool, how do I present it?
As mentioned in the last post, presentations are crucial in setting the FIRST impression on how to do a new skill.  So like a job interview or a hot first date...let's leave a good first impression.

Thread Presentation:
1)  Roll out a table mat or floor mat
2)  Bring the tray with 2 hands to the mat
3)  Lay out all the shapes and decide which one to work on
4)  Use thumb & index finger to grip the head of thread
5)  Pull through the hole and loop around again
6)  Repeat till done

Given Zo's recent interest with the shoe laces, he went straight to work on these threading shapes.



Half a buck.
A whole morning of fun!

Future posts of other Rummage finds will come...
In the meantime, do share if you have your own version of a work tool:

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