

It's been a while...class of 93' style.
Last post 10.01.10.

That's Tina, me, and Bek.
Looking very "high school" together.
Eating homemade flan and wearing a sage-colored apron... for the heck of it.

So what happened on 10.02.10?

Well, the "heck" happened to be a HUGE Yard Sale...
The Annual East Bay Mandarin Playgroup 8+ Multifamily Yard Sale.
To be exact.

And being the one who always over-commits with the delusion of having superhero resistance to fatigue (sigh), I volunteered to organize this whole thing.  From taking drop-offs, pricing all items, making signage, and displaying, this was going to be DA KILLA yard sale that I always dreamed of shopping at.

1 week of sorting and tagging, 2 extremely dark eye circles, 3 sleep deprived nights, 4 aching limbs, and 5 fabulous girlfriends taking "HELP Shifts" later...we are officially, and happily, DONE!

Do I regret it?
Not for a second.

The idea started when I began to clear out Zozie's room for HapaLab.  The cleaning oozed into my room, then out to the common areas.  Soon, I was scheming with a few mommy pals of doing a sale together...then it ultimately became, the BEAST.

99 cents?  R U out of your mind?!?
YES.  We were.
Take a look at the mayhem below.

Mouth of the Beast.

the morning RUSH @ check out.

the LONG driveway...


You're probably thinkin'...Geeshhhh, that's alot of C*@P!
That's what we thought too.

So nice to shed a few pounds in your life, eh?
And so nice to get some cold hard cash for those extra pounds.

The Cousins had a Lemonade Snack Shop to greet our hungry shoppers...
When possible, always set up cute kids with food to sell.
Works every time.


It was SHOCKING...
to see how much extra junk we carried around in our houses and lives.  
A great time for Reflection. 

Thousands of things, literally, that weigh us down.  
Things we didn't need.
Things we thought we COULD NOT live without.

So here we are...
Ten days later.
A fresh start, a clean slate, a blank canvas.
We're "Up in the Air" with an empty backpack...

The first thing back in?


Our final sales total.


  1. Holy Cow! The mother of all yard sales! Man, I wish we could have been there!

  2. Amazing! I can't believe I missed the sale. Let me know in advance of the next one and I am there, but only if I can be a helper!

  3. I bought that blackforest cuckoo clock from Europe and it was extremely expensive. Value is $400-$600
