
Silver Spoon

Presentation:  Spoon Scoop

These little baby figurines came from Zozie's baby shower...
Nearly 3 years ago.

Tiny seemingly "Asian" baby boys...some in diapers...some in pajamas...were sprinkled all over tables in Conference room #6 at our architectural firm.  Having a lunch break baby shower in a sterile corporate environment seemed like wearing white socks with black leather pants that are hemmed just a smidge too high.  


 A dear friend, design mentor, was already planning a more traditional shower with close friends and family.  But on this work shower day, most of the attendees were single, or single married couples (no children), and not planning any, atleast not any time soon.  I was also in that boat for many years.  I know that world blissfully well.   

We had Zo in our 8th year of marriage.
Seemed like the next branch we would naturally grow in our Couple-hood, inviting a 3rd person to join our we can be a Triple-hood.
The commute was approx 2 hrs each way to work in West LA.  
Sometimes shorter, often times longer.  
And when I became pregnant, that's alot of time to think.  About everything.
Especially about where I can pull off to go pee in my 3rd trimester.  
Man, that was alot of driving.

Other than planning my next potty break, I reflected on myself growing a life, and yet, what was I doing with my own?  Things that were so important to me, suddenly seemed like a whole lotta busy work.  But I like busy.  I guess.

I installed my last design project on a Friday.  
5 Days after my Big Belly Bash.
A new hotel lobby for the Century Plaza Hotel in LA.  
Pushing the couches around with a basketball in my belly. 

Our team.

Zozie came that following Weds.
5 Days after my last installation.
Rolled from one job description into the next...

Zozie kinda looked like one of these little plastic babies...with less hair.

Seemed like ages ago when my only pressure was client presentations & deadlines.  And now I brainstorm over homeschool presentations & baby milestones.  Still busy work?  But, I like this busy.  I guess.
I knew I had to use these babies in a tool for Zozie.  In a way, they were the bridge of my past with my present.  Weird I know.  Anyways, Zozie was given an actual Silver Spoon at the shower.  Today, pairing the babies with a small Silver Spoon from a Cabbage Patch Doll...
We came up with one.

 The Goal
Precision in scooping a single object, sorting, tuning visual differentiation.

The Set Up
1)  3 Small Glass Bowls
2)  1 Small Spoon
3)  Handful of small objects (2 different kinds)
*You can use beans, beads, marbles, anything easy to scoop, one at a time.

The Presentation
1)  Pick up the spoon slowly and go to Bowl #1 filled with all the babies.
2)  Scoop a baby (with diaper) out and place it into Bowl #2
3)  Scoop another baby (one with pajamas) and place it into Bowl #3
4)  Continue to do this, always hovering over Bowl #2, then Bowl #3, make a decision, then drop the baby into the appropriate bowl.
5)  Continue until the bowl is finished.
6)  Reverse presentation, invite the child to try.

As you'll see in the video clip, it's really tempting for the child to use his hands to assist.  You'll also see Zo pouring the bowls, which is a spill over from his Pouring Tool (which we'll feature in a future post).  So, a few more things to work out for him, but overall, he really enjoys this.

As for my previous work life...
That's to be continued. 
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I love the bridging of the past with the present. I love the weight of memories those tiny babies carry. I wonder if Zozo has any idea how much anticipation, work, thinking and busy-ness each of those little babies he is scooping represent.
