
The SIMPLE Match!

Crouching Piggy is now here.
After the initial shock of the Japanese tragedy, 
HapaLab is back with a small "gi" and a big smile!  
Why are we smilin'?
We are ready for our first MATCH.
No Dojo needed.  
Just a cell phone.

What's the SIMPLE Match?
A simple text will send $10 to the Japanese Red Cross.
A simple post below on the blog of who, when (today and onward), how much.
A simple match from HapaLab in donation to the Red Cross.
Anytime from now until April (9days left), after reading this blog post.

The Red Cross is accepting donations online or via text message.
Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 from your phone.
You'll be prompted to confirm with a second text reading YES.

We have been meaning to post about his Judo class, just had the recent disaster on our minds and ended up combining the posts.  No only do we have family in Japan, but we are always enjoying all things Japan here in the US.  Things like Sushi, Hondas, Karaoke, Funny Fashions, Engrish Phrases, all things "Zen" from face creams to sofas, and now of course... Baby Judo.  
All joking aside tho, we loves me some Nihon.

Right now, Zozie adores Sensei Dan and his Pre-Judo Class.
This new physical outlet has been a nice pairing with his usual homeschool learnings. He's learning how to fall, how to roll, and how to Japanese.

"Mi, Me, Hana, Kuchi, Atama, Ashi, Te...."
Being one of the youngest, Zo runs happily with his new classmates.

Some serious martial arts action below:
Note the "perfect end" to the running exercise...shortly after Sensei said STOP!

We are training hard in our home Dojo. 
Hope you are up for the challenge and will meet us for our SIMPLE Match.


  1. Love these photos of Enzo at pre-Judo. I love the idea of everyone taking some martial arts, and am delighted that Zo has started!



  2. favorite video moments: enzo waving at every lap, the two kids doing the warm-up holding hands, and enzo taking a dive when the sensei says to stop running. He looks so cute in his little gi!

  3. Love it! Miss you! You all are going to have to move to NC with the Vaisey clan.

  4. Thanks for doing this, Julie. I have some family members in Japan as well, somewhat close to Sendai actually. Fortunately, the tsunami didn't reach their area and they're all doing okay as far as I know. We've donated $200 through Eugene's work at EA, and a more modest amount of $10 through when they were matching donations. I hope help gets to those who really need it soon.
