
BooBoo Glue.

For whatever reason, my toddler LOVES band-aids.
They make everything better... kinda like ketchup. (For him).
They come in lots of fun shapes, sizes, and patterns.
We like sticking to the plain old boring beige, but sometimes "shake it up" with bright solid colors like zesty orange, mint green, and hot yellow.  
(Wait, is that a color?)

We added this "First Aid" cup to his own VANITY STATION in the bathroom.
He goes through ALOT of band-aids, or "OK-Bands" (Pronounced "OKay-Bahn" in Japanese/Taiwanese) whenever there's an ou-wee.  
But what's the Secret Sauce?  The BooBoo Glue.

Yes, that's right.  His own little antibiotic cream dispenser.  
To Zo, the "Glue" is the key to success in healing everything.  
He applies the glue to all wounds, even ones that don't break skin.  I tried stopping him before, but it's just easier to not most times.  Alittle extra glue never hurt anyone.

On this day though, Zozie came home with a bad sandal blister on the side of his foot.  We've been gently nursing this tiny wound for the past day or two.  He changes his own dressing and likes to give himself fresh OK-bands...until he's, well, OK!  And when he's OK, I'm OK.

Here's a little clip of him playing paramedic to himself:


  1. Self care and comforting - a big step on the road to independence. And wonderful to watch Zozie's great concentration.

  2. I am totally doing this!! Great idea. Glad you are back! Missed you :P
