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Cheezus Songs.

Sing A Longs:  From Grandma

Love you Grandma "Walletta!"
Thanks for teaching my Dalee these songs so he can teach them to me too.
I love my "Cheezus" Songs...
~ Zozie.

Cheezus says love everyone,
treat them kindly too.
When your heart is filled with love,
others will love YOU.  
(Try not to point to yourself as the video demonstrates:)
I want to be kind to everyone,
for that is right you see...
So I say to myself,
remember this....
"Kindness begins with ME."
Cheezus once was a little child,
a little child like me...
He was pure and meek and mild,
like a little child should be.
Oh, little children...
let's you and I....
try to be like him....
try, try, try.
Song#2 (Reprise)
I want to be kind to everyone,
for that is right you see...
So I say to myself,
remember this....
"Kindness begins with ME."


Plate Settings.

The breakfast bell rang early this morning...
We were pleasantly surprised by this lovely 3 person setting complete with:  plate, fork, spoon, napkin, and juice glass.  He got excited to try out the new cork mats from Ikea.
Apparently, we even got a complementary visit from Zozies favorite stuffies as VIP guests!
Now if only we can train him to whip up that nice HOT 3 course breakfast to be served on this nice setting?
I'll get workin' on that one.